Composting for Municipalities | Brome Compost inc. - Brome Compost

A modular on-site composting system that adapts to your needs.

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Recent blog posts

Bentonville Project

A completed project in Bentonville, Arkansas A new composting site of over 2500 metric tons! Here are the three main objectives of this project: 1. Renovate an existing composting site 2. Reduce the footprint on the ground 3. Significantly reduce odor issues We are very pleased to have met all of our objectives!  

MEP Florida Project

                MEP Florida, a producer of high-end fruit juices and cocktails for bars and restaurants, has decided to improve its environmental footprint through concrete actions. They are among the first in the U.S. to compost production residues. Congratulations on the initiative! Brome Compost is proud to be part

Inukjuak Project

After years of offering the option do to so, we finally have our first ‘containerised’ composting system in Inukjuak, Quebec! Thanks to a collaboration with the Kativik Regional Government and Éco-conseil Symbiose, Inukjuamiuq (members of the Inukjuak community) now have their own composting system. The containers were adapted for this project and house a BROME

Composting for Municipalities

Composting can help municipalities increase the lifespan of their landfill site and at the same time meet upcoming regulation standards for organic waste diversion. Residents benefit from access to finished compost.

The image below depicts a project that is adapted for a municipal compost site.  Click on the image to get a closer look at the different parts and accessories available for managing organic waste in your municipality or compost site. 


This image presents a Brome Composting System:  Several composters in a series equipped with a sliding door, an extension module to extend the length to 32 feet, a sifter and a fume hood to aid in odour management, as well as a mixer, a system of conveyors.

 It is possible to configure and adapt the various components to your specific needs.  Contact us for more information.

Composting organic waste on-site using the BROME Composting System can benefit a municipality or an industrial site in a variety of ways:

Manage the organic waste from municipal collections

  • Diversion away from municipal landfill, increasing its lifespan;
  • Compliance with current environmental regulations;
  • Better quality and control over the composting process;
  • Continuous composting of organic waste allows for minimal day-to-day management;
  • Sustainable organic waste management contributes to the circular economy;
  • Potential income from compost sales.

Additional benefits of treating biosolids from municipal wastewater

  • Environmentally-friendly solution for biosolids waste management
  • Possibility of processing larger quantities over the same surface area than with windrow composting
  • Better-quality Class A end product than traditional windrow composting
  • Smaller footprint than traditional windrow composting sites
  • No leachate or associated management costs (when the system is protected from rain)
  • Cheaper alternative to exporting biosolids
  • Reduced water consumption
  • Pathogen reduction
  • Potential for agricultural application (field spreading)
  • Improves public perception of municipal waste management programs and demonstrates commitment to environmental protection

By adopting biosolids composting, municipalities can transform organic residues into a valuable resource while simultaneously reducing environmental impact and operating costs.

See the biosolid composting project developped for the City of Bentonville.

Easy operation

  • Cleanliness;
  • Minimal operating costs;
  • Few workers needed;
  • Simple installation;
  • Better control over the composting process;·
  • Better control over odor management;
  • Better control in all weather conditions: air temperature, precipitation, evaporation

Composting is an effective method of managing organic waste matter that helps reduce greenhouse gases, unlike other waste disposal methods.

Since environmental conditions are controlled, the system produces clean, odorless compost, which is a value-added product that improves soil structure and fertility. This compost is ideal for the city’s flowerbeds and can be sold to citizens.

BROME Compost offers different composter models and complementary equipment as well as services to adapt to the composting needs of your municipality or compost site.