Small Farm Innovations | Brome Compost

A modular on-site composting system that adapts to your needs.

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Small Farm Innovations

Système de compostage industriel et modulaire pour vos besoins spécifiques. BROME industrial compsoting systems are modulaire to adapt to your specific needs.

A modular system for on-site composting that adapts to your needs

We are your partner for on-site composting

Brome Compost is proud to have developed a special relationship with Small Farm Innovations in order to offer its composting systems to all of SFI’s clientele. This partnership will allow its clientele to benefit from Brome Compost’s experience in the installation of efficient composting systems that are adapted to a wide variety of composting needs for, notably:

Increasing biosecurity by reducing the risk of disease transmission
Composting manure to increase its value or to produce bedding
Reducing the costs of organic waste disposal
Proposing solutions that adapt as future needs evolve

We at S.F.I. try very hard to price this very productive equipment where it is very affordable. We also have found these balers produce bales that are very marketable. For instance, the small square bales work well for women and children. The bales are easier to place on top of horse trailers and children can feed instead of the parents doing all the work. The MRB series work well for baling hay, pine straw, wheat straw and leaves. You can also use them for baling decorative bales. The bales produced by TRB 910 sell very well also, they are larger but yet small enough one person can move them around by hand.

BROME Composting system installed for Metro Lussier in Waterloo Québec
Composting on a mining site - Dominion Diamond